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ProleWiki:Editorial guidelines/Message boxes

From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia
Message boxes generally are placed on the start of articles or major sections.

Article message boxes are templates that are inserted into articles in order to help readers and comrades identify major problems within articles, or major changes that are happening to the article (deletions, title changes, major ideological conflict, ect.).

Creating a message box

When adding a message box template, there are to main factors that must be chosen:

Text - the body of what is being said

Image - an image to accompany the text

Template page

Using standardised message boxes

The following are a set of stardardised message box templates. Do note that in order to spawn these message boxes, the title of them will almost always begin with "Message box/". For example, the name for the Stub message box would be typed as "Message box/Stub".

Message boxes
Name Purpose Template page
Copiedfromwiki An editor simply copied-and-pasted an article from Wikipedia, with little-to-no changes, and often failing to cite any sources.

Articles that are directly taken from Wikipedia may risk containing bourgeois-ideology and Anti-communism.

Stub The article is severely lacking in any content, often only containing a few (uncited) short sentences. Link
Ideologicaldeviation The article fails to comply with Marxism–Leninism, or our principles. Articles that have this message box commonly include revisionist, Liberal, or Fascist ideology and propaganda. Link
Ideologicalconflict Separate from the "ideologicaldeviation" message box. This message box is intended for issues and conflicts relating to ideological dispute, while still remaining in adherence with our principles. Link
Externalarticlecleanup The article contains inappropriate formating, citations, ect. Link
regionalbias The article is biased towards, and only contains examples of, a comrade's own political, social, or economic situation exclusively in their own region or country, and not a global-perspective. Link
currentevent The article is based around a current event (for example, a war, election, diplomatic incident, ect.). Articles that require this message box are likely to require particular attention from comrades, given the likelihood that the existing sources and information will become redundant as the event develops. Link
deletionlikely The article is being considered for deletion, likely due to irreconcilable issues with its content, the very subject the article pretains to being erroneous or inappropriate, among other possible reasons. Link
Availableinlibrary The topic of the article is about a book that also happens to be contained within our library. Link
splitlikely Some comrades have suggested that the article be split into smaller articles, likely because the orginial article was to large in size. Link