Talk:2022 Russo-Ukrainian conflict

Discussion page of 2022 Russo-Ukrainian conflict
  • (cur prev topic) 10:44, 12 September 2023 . . Forte (talk | contribs) commented on "To what depth should this article delve into on the course of the fighting?" (General descriptions could fit in the initial paragraphs and sections, but you can make deeper descriptions on later sections or even add...) . . +154
  • (cur prev topic) 02:13, 12 September 2023 . . SeventyTwoTrillion (talk | contribs) commented on "To what depth should this article delve into on the course of the fighting?" (I could write something relatively in-depth over time, but is it instead better to describe events in broad strokes? E.g. the initial adv...) . . +286
  • (cur prev topic) 19:02, 4 June 2023 . . Esoteridesu (talk | contribs) commented on "RT trustworthy source on military deaths?" (I suppose that is good of us, but I think *independent* think tanks at least less likely to be biased towards one side of the conflict, a...) . . +340
  • (cur prev topic) 17:49, 2 June 2023 . . CriticalResist (talk | contribs) commented on "RT trustworthy source on military deaths?" (There's a few different considerations at play here. Since the numbers come from the Russian Ministry of Defense and we quote RT citing t...) . . +763
  • (cur prev topic) 17:24, 2 June 2023 . . Esoteridesu (talk | contribs) commented on "RT trustworthy source on military deaths?" (Is RT a good source for info on military deaths? Historically states have spread wartime propaganda about enemy soldiers killed. The Ukra...) . . +203