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Topic on Comradeship:Forte

From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia

More bullshit with Wisconcom

Amicchan (talkcontribs)

So, this Lemmygrad account 'RadErgatocrat' (probably Wisconcom again) is trying to get me to request unblocking Wisconcom. I, of course, won't be complying. (As they have called China AND modern Russia imperialist.)

Be weary of anyone requesting to unblock Wisconcom.

Forte (talkcontribs)

Thanks for letting us know, comrade. Just for future reference, could you leave evidence of this?

Amicchan (talkcontribs)

Yes. here is the message they sent me:

Hello. I saw your recent additions to your userpage on ProleWiki, and I just wanted to correct you.


Russia and China do export capital, and if you did any research into this matter, you would understand that fact. China alone is the biggest exporter to capital (which is worth tens-of-billions in US dollars) with Africa ([source](, and certainly much more with their other neocolonial projects. China's belt-and-road initative is literally based fully on the export of Chinese capital into Africa and Eurasia. Russia itself has over 20 billion US dollars worth in oil assests (capital) in Kazakhstan exclusively. ([source](,largest%20in%20terms%20of%20value.))

And furthermore, both Russia and China, being both imperialist powers, split-up the world into their own economic spheres. With Russia, they are, in the most clear way possible, doing this with Ukraine via invading it. Russia otherwise has economic spheres in the post-Soviet states, that being massive economic assests in Belarus and such. China is also partitioning the world, via its neocolonial projects and such, and influence in the governments of North Korea, Cuba, Vietnam, etc..

You appear to greatly enjoy *masquerading* as somebody who is actually cogizant in science, both social and natural. You act as if you are more educated in psychiatry than actual psychiatrists who posses 10-year educations and doctorates in that field, you call others "revisionists" when you don't even understand what Marxism or imperialism are.

If it were not for psychiatry and the assistance it provided me, I would be dead presently. You take the struggles of millions of people and omit them entirely to comply with your fringe and arcane interests. I have seen your covarge (or lack thereof) of ethnic and linguistic repression in Fascist Germany, and instead of documenting

  • actual* examples of linguistic opression, with languages that are actually spoken by real demograpthics, you chose to omit those and merely talk about "esperanto"; a "international con-lang" which has virtually no native speakers and is effectively a pastime rather than an actual language. (I myself am very erudite in the field of linguistics, and Esperanto appears to be extremely eurocentric, with most of its lexicon and grammar taken from Romance languages along with other families such as Germanic and Slavic, particularly West Slavic, which lncludes Polish, the native language of the creator of Esperanto, but few aspects taken from non-Indo-European languages.)

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Why are you even present on ProleWiki? Spreading anti-science lies and distortions does not seem to fit with ProleWiki's goals of bringing forth a Proletarian encyclopedia, and if anything, you are *reducing* the intellect of the proletariat with your conspiracy theories and such regarding "big-pharma" and how all medical workers are covertly "paid off". I recall that ProleWiki does not permit people to use that site as a "soapbox" (that is, being taken advantage of to promote their own views). You should leave ProleWiki, as you are clearly there to promote anti-science.

Lastly, before you depart from ProleWiki, I suggest you request that editor Wisconcom be unblocked from the site, preferably on the [talk page]( of the administrator Forte.

Vale et bona dies, amicus meus.

CriticalResist (talkcontribs)

Thanks for bringing this up. Wisconcom is also banned from Lemmygrad for the stuff he pulled there so I'll go ahead and ban him there.

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