
From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia
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Hello and welcome! We like having new comrades around here and hope you'll stick around and contribute. This place may look intimidating but it's pretty simple once you get used to it.

The purpose of this guide is to teach you the basics of getting around, introduce you to our rules and policies, and give you links to all the resources you need. When in doubt, Ask The Comrades. We do our best to share.

Before we get started, let's cover the most important questions.

Q: What is Prolewiki?

A: Prolewiki is a wiki, sort of like Wikipedia but using different software and with a different purpose and ideology. We describe the world in terms of Marxist theory + practice and thru history, both present and past. We also host books, essays, and have various forums where you can talk with other comrades.

Q: What is a Comrade?

A: A comrade is someone who participates in documenting history and writing about marxist theory: in other words, you. It's a word with a long history going back over a hundred years ago. You can read about the history of 'Comrade' here.

Q: Can I make a new page?

A: Once you have successfully created your account you must edit a few pages. We advice you take some time to add information to already existing pages. A good place to start is the stubs pages. It usually takes days to a few weeks to a month, depending on how familiar you are with mediawiki.

Q: Who runs this place?

A: Prolewiki is independently owned and operated. The admins who run the site are Comrade Forte and Comrade CriticalResist. [[placeholder]]You many also encounter the moderators: fellow comrades who make and enforce the rules. See [[link to staff page here]] to learn about them. Due to Prolewiki's small size, the administrators are the only moderators.

When you're ready, learn more about The Goals of prolewiki, The Prolewiki Code, and Prolewiki Customs. These are recommended reading for all tropers and are enforced. We use a lot of Marxism-Leninism words. To learn about them, see Marxist terminology and acronyms.