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Discussion page of Comrade:Amicchan
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Summary by Amicchan

I changed editing behavior to not hyperlink headings since then.

CriticalResist (talkcontribs)

Hello comrade, just a heads up; by convention, we don't put links in headings but rather find a way to include the link in the body after the heading.

The reason for this is that it creates more harmonious articles, hyperlinks are sure to be found only in body text and the user doesn't have to "hunt" for them all over the page. It also looks kinda weird having a multicolored heading when reading.


Amicchan (talkcontribs)

Ah, I see. I was thinking that it would be easier to access a hyperlink from the header.

I think that should be noted in the Editorial guidelines. - Comrade Amicchan (talk) 00:00, 16 September 2022 (UTC)

CriticalResist (talkcontribs)

Yep, I can add it to the guidelines.

I'm getting a memory exhausted error when I try to edit a Wiki page.

Amicchan (talkcontribs)
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /var/www/prole/includes/HeaderCallback.php on line 38

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /var/www/prole/includes/session/SessionManager.php on line 266

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 20480 bytes) in /var/www/prole/includes/exception/MWExceptionHandler.php on line 290

I don't know why they're popping up. I can edit on a discussion page though.

Amicchan (talkcontribs)

Well now I can edit wiki pages again.

CriticalResist (talkcontribs)

It was due to an extension we tried to set up to combat spam. We've removed the extension until we can get it working.

Amicchan (talkcontribs)

Ah, that makes sense.

Reply to "I'm getting a memory exhausted error when I try to edit a Wiki page."
Summary by Amicchan

Gain page creation permissions.

Forte (talkcontribs)

Comrade, thank you for your work on improving the articles, you have been working consistently with us!

I want to ask if you wish to create articles as well. Right now you have permission to edit articles, but not create them

Amicchan (talkcontribs)

I would like to be able to create articles. I was thinking about making an article on Microsoft.

Forte (talkcontribs)

Very well

Summary by Amicchan


Wisconcom (talkcontribs)

Hello. Your actions relating to your promotion of Anti-psychiatry has been discussed by some people on our community. It has been recommended that you join our discord server in case you would like to talk about your position. Comrade Wisconcom (talk) 12:28, 12 October 2022 (UTC)

CriticalResist (talkcontribs)

To add to that, basically we see an issue boiling between you two over the psychiatry pages and we'd like to resolve it in a win-win situation before it spills.

If you don't have discord, we can also join on matrix or somewhere else, but I feel it would be more productive in instant messaging than adding message over message on talk pages.

The idea would be to bring you and wisconcom together in a discussion mediated by the admins so that we can figure out something there. Or talk with you privately between the admins if you'd prefer that.


Amicchan (talkcontribs)

Yeah, sure. I prefer matrix as discord is a proprietary platform owned by a US company. Also, the invite required a phone number.

CriticalResist (talkcontribs)

I checked our settings on the discord and can't seem to find why it asks for a phone number, it seems to be a Discord specific thing.

You can add me on matrix: I'll check with wisconcom if they have a matrix too.

Amicchan (talkcontribs)

I checked our settings on the discord and can't seem to find why it asks for a phone number, it seems to be a Discord specific thing.

Ugh, it's probably Discord trying to harvest unnecessary data again.

You can add me on matrix: I'll check with wisconcom if they have a matrix too.


Regarding your Anti-psychiatry

Wisconcom (talkcontribs)

Good day. I would like to note your behavior concerning your fixation and heavy bias towards Anti-psychiatry. On Lemmygrad, you have recently been banned for the second time - and permanently - for your militant spreading of misinformation, harmful claims, and large trivialization of mental illness.

I would like to inform you that your quasi-Anti-science ideas are regarded on ProleWiki in a manner that is similar to how it is regarded on Lemmygrad: unpopular, harmful, and misinformative. I suggest you reframe from reverting peoples edits which add factual proof on psychiatry, promote Anti-psychiatry on any other page, and otherwise act without community consensus. You have been banned twice on Lemmygrad, and I do not think you will be able to get away with the same harmful actions on ProleWiki. Comrade Wisconcom (talk) 02:39, 12 October 2022 (UTC)

Amicchan (talkcontribs)

On Lemmygrad, you have recently been banned for the second time - and permanently - for your militant spreading of misinformation, harmful claims, and large trivialization of mental illness.

And as if you're the one to talk; you got (rightfully) banned for being a disrespectful revisionist.

My bans were bullshit. Jackasses can't even bother to read my fucking sources or fairly look into the anti-psychiatry movement. This is how you get blind spots. Welp, now I know who to avoid for actual discussions.

What misinformation, harmful claims, and trivialization of mental illness am I spreading? I back up my claims with sources.

I derived from the Diagnostic manuals that mental disorders cannot be objectively falsified since they don't have testable phenomena, hence it is impossible to use the scientific method on them. This is simply the truth, which can be gotten from reading the DSM series and Mental Disorders section of the ICD.

I would like to inform you that your quasi-Anti-science ideas are regarded on ProleWiki in a manner that is similar to how it is regarded on Lemmygrad: unpopular, harmful, and misinformative.

What is "quasi-Anti-science"?

And I haven't seen much people write their opinions on Prolewiki yet; but feel free to show me them.

Again, how were my posts "harmful" and "misinformative"? Also, Popularity doesn't make a claim wrong.

I suggest you reframe from reverting peoples edits which add factual proof on psychiatry, promote Anti-psychiatry on any other page, and otherwise act without community consensus.

Hopefully the "peoples" and "community consensus" won't just be you.

Like you're the one to talk; you have yet to give any actual evidence for the changes you make.

Wisconcom (talkcontribs)

You were banned for a reason. If you were being unfairly targeted by a small collection of these "jackass" administrators, would other users, or for that matter, administrators, on Lemmygrad punish, or at least note the "bullshit" actions of these administrators which keep banning you for, as you claim, nothing? Furthermore, I do not think that people who have other things to do with their day would spend it reading into your fringe, anti-science voices and screeds which you link. I have seen some of them, and I would wager that they are not rooted in science.

Nor have I said your ideas are false due to them being unsupported. What I was saying was that if you attempt to promote your fringe ideas on this community, I suspect you will be met with a similar treatment on here as with Lemmygrad. Further, I have particularly attempted to gain a consensus among this community regarding Anti-psychiatry, largely on our discord server, and it would appear that at best, only small elements are even close to being Anti-psychiatry, that is, they understand that certain aspects of it are false, and only exist to better Capitalism, but overall think it is helpful and based in science. It would seem the rest do not support your ideas.

Concerning your last statement, I have provided you with around 15 sources for my claims, and sources which indicate that psychiatry is employed in what you would consider Socialist states. I have done more that what is needed to prove my claims.

Lastly, and I do want to make this clear. Stop calling me a "Revisionist". You appear to have no understanding of what that means. It means to make a revision of core tenents of Marxism, not when somebody does not support your favorite Communist Parties, which also happen to deny the existance of class struggle and are made up of "red billionaires". What revision of Marxism am I making with China? What revision am I making with Mao? At best, you are conflating simple disagreement with Revisionism, something which is itself dogmatic.

Thank you. Comrade Wisconcom (talk) 00:40, 13 October 2022 (UTC)

Amicchan (talkcontribs)

I was previously going to respond to this comment (for criticisms); but since Wisconcom has been blocked; I wasn't going to respond; but now I'm uncertain if I should respond or not.

Reply to "Regarding your Anti-psychiatry"

Where do I start with documenting food industry corruption?

Amicchan (talkcontribs)

I've been wanting to document some corruption in the food industry. There are a lot of these instances:

  • Food poisoning outbreaks caused by worker abuse.
  • The overuse of antibiotics that promotes drug-resistant pathogens.[1][2]
  • Large abuse of chickens (through intensive farms), which results in increased spread of salmonella.
  • How the FDA canceled a plan to vaccinate chicken against salmonella.[3]

I'm not sure where to start though as there are many instances of food industry corruption. - Comrade Amicchan (talk) 19:51, 27 September 2022 (UTC)

  1. Antibiotic overuse: a key driver of antimicrobial resistance. doi: 10.3399/bjgp14X682561 [HUB]
  2. "Can Chicken Farming Really Be Sustainable?".
  3. "U.S. Rejected Hen Vaccine Despite British Success".
Reply to "Where do I start with documenting food industry corruption?"
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