
From ProleWiki, the proletarian encyclopedia
Revision as of 05:08, 11 July 2023 by RedArcher9 (talk | contribs) (Removed feeble slanders.)

This article is about the history and notable events that happened on ProleWiki. For a description of the wiki, see the About page.

The logo of ProleWiki, a globe featuring a star and wheat emblem, historically communist symbols
Main page of English ProleWiki
TypeOnline encyclopedia
Available in7 languages
Founded30 September, 2020
FounderComrade Forte
Key peopleCriticalResist, MxAsh
Users23 active users
416 registered users

ProleWiki is a self-described "Communist (Marxist-Leninist)" and "anti-imperialist" collaborative encyclopedia founded in September 2020. It is based on MediaWiki software.[1] The site has promoted itself as "the proletarian encylopedia".[note 1]

ProleWiki is infamous among most Socialist circles for its exceedingly narrow range of accepted ideological trends, with most of its editors being militant Dengists and those who are not often getting banned, its nearly uncritical support for the economic and political system of China, Russia, and other modern Capitalist states (of which they codify their support of in their "principles"[2]), and its extremely closed and numerically small administration, and its support of anti-science movements. Depite claiming to maintain nearly 90 fully active editors as of January 2023, the site in reality has less than a dozen editors who are even moderately active.

The site is greatly connected to other ideologically-aligned communities on the online left, such as Lemmygrad and GenZedong, and is dependent on these external sites for their recruitment of editors and preservation of the ideological line of the site. ProleWiki often serves as a "gateway" for Communists to be indoctrinated into chauvinistic and revisionary ideology, with the site actively promoting "Patriotic Socialist" and other social-chauvinist points of view and allowing users of those persuasions into the project.[3][4]


The following is a timeline of major events and developments which have taken place on ProleWiki.

Founding and early development (30 September 2020 – 24 November 2021)

ProleWiki was founded on 30 September 2022 by Brazilian pro-CPC propaganist Felipe Forte and other users of the internet forum Lemmygrad. The inital concept for ProleWiki likely originated as a reaction to the Liberal bias found on Wikipedia, with ProleWiki initally attempting to promote itself as "the people's Wikipedia". The then-sole administrator of ProleWiki, Forte, would firstly attempt to attract editors via promoting his project to several pro-China Telegram channels and to Lemmygrad. He would also attempt to self-promote his site on Wikipedia shortly. Also at this time, the site allowed Marxist-Leninists are many distinct subgroupings to join and freely express their views, a policy likely taken out of pragmatism.[5] Forte would also create a number of fake accounts and spambots on the site to boost SEO engagement to make the site more visible to unknowing newcomers, however, when this action fail to be yielding in regard to account creation, Forte would later falsely claim that the spambots he covertly made were unintentional and made a system of "account requests" which, supposedly, was implemented to repel future spam attacks,[1] but in truth existed as part of Forte's plot to slowly turn ProleWiki into a pro-CPC propaganda outlet via preventing non-revisionist Marxists from joining.[6]

While the site was able to enjoy a short-lived spike of editors and general activity for the first weeks of its existance, and the sole adminstrator Forte delegated sysop roles to several other people.[7] However, this activity would soon sputter out entirely after the project progressed into early 2021. In response to this setback, Forte would later restrict adminstrator roles to merely two editors who were fully servile to his personal ideological line - CriticalResist and Jucheguevara (who was a known "Patriotic Socialist" and general holder of many reactionary views) - and declare himself "supreme comrade" of ProleWiki,[8] claiming that the previous democratized administration was suffering from "absenteeism". However, these adminstrators were greatly commited to their positions, and this action was truly done in order to ensure ProleWiki would become purely a propaganda hub for Dengist revisionism and ruled in a top-down manner by him personally, as the other adminstrators were begining to question the pro-China ideological line of ProleWiki.[9]

Ideological consolidation and first purge of anti-revisionists (25 November 2021 – 31 July 2022)

In response to increasing discontentment on the part of the editors concerning the extremely revisionist and anti-Marxist stance Forte had taken towards the People's Republic of China, Forte would initate the first ideologically-motivated purge on ProleWiki on 25 November 2021, banning a total of 12 editors in the span of just 3 hours (which as at the time over 90% of all active editors on ProleWiki). In an attempt to obscure the reasoning behind this mass-banning, Forte would claim that these editors were "Khruschevites", "Trotskyists", and "Radlibs". Following this, Forte and the other administrators would openly state ProleWiki's dogmatic and permanent support for the People's Republic of China and codifed it in their principles.[10][2] Forte and the others in his clique would proceed to completely discard Lenin's scientific theory of imperialism (calling it "dogmatic" and "outdated") and started embracing anti-Stalinist ideology, even downplaying Stalin's contributions to Marxism.[11] ProleWiki, from this point forth, would consistently deny the account requests of anti-revisionists and generally any Communist who failed to fanatically support China.

Ideological conflicts and administrative disunity (1 August 2022 – 27 September 2022)

While the internal condition of ProleWiki would remain relatively stable for most of early-to-mid 2022, with few notable conflicts within the editorship or administration of ProleWiki, This state of internal coherence would all rapidly disintegrate in August of 2022 when, along with others things such as protestations regarding the treatment of China, the inevitable creation of the page on Patriotic Socialism happened. The page noted Patriotic Socialism (with regards to the pseudo-socialist chauvinist ideology found in the United States of America) as being opportunist and revisionist. However, certain members within ProleWiki were Patriotic Socialist, including a then-administrator Jucheguevara, and a conflict would start between Patriotic Socialist and non-Patriotic Socialist (which included two of the three administrators) elements within ProleWiki.

This conflict would result in the non-Patriotic Socialist attaining ideological victory over the Patriotic Socialist elements, with the correct anti-Patriotic Socialist viewpoint of the article persisting. Relative peace would remain in the ProleWiki community, however, this would not be long-lasting. A month after the initial conflict, in September, the before-metioned administrator with Patriotic Socialist views, Jucheguevara would, particularly following the creation of the articles on MAGA Communism and on Infrared, which similar to the one on Patriotic Socialism, made clear that “MAGA Communism” was anti-Marxist and revisionist, and the Infrared collective (who are major “theorists” and promoters of “MAGA Communism”) were chauvinist, apparently experience escalating discontent with ProleWiki itself. Jucheguevara would conspire with the Infrared community to effectively infiltrate ProleWiki and force it to adopt Patriotic Socialist ideology, and to enforce a pro-Patriotic Socialist viewpoint onto the previously metioned articles. The then-administrator, Jucheguevara, would be banned on 27 September 2022 upon the discovery of his actions by the other ProleWiki administrators.[12]

This action, however, was largely done for non-ideological reasons on the part of the other ProleWiki administrators, with it being less the case that they cared about combatting social-chauvinist trends and more simply being the fact that their power within ProleWiki was increasing being compromised.[13]

See also


  1. ProleWiki, however, has also hitherto entitled itself the people's wiki or the people's Wikipedia, indicating ProleWiki's founding motivations as creating an ideologically alternative to Wikipedia.



  1. 1.0 1.1 ProleWiki - ProleWiki
  2. 2.0 2.1 ProleWiki - Principles
  3. Shall American communists hate their country?, by ProleWiki administrator Jucheguevara (1 August, 2022) ProleWiki
  4. The Mysterious Destruction of Productive Forces [an essay which promotes the "degrowth" conspiracy, a commonly-held view among the far-right] ProleWiki
  5. Statement on democracy within Prolewiki, by ProleWiki administrator CriticalResist (23 October, 2022) ProleWiki
  6. "Enjoy ProleWiki's first spam attack" by ProleWiki administrator Forte (16 November, 2020) Lemmygrad
  7. User rights log ProleWiki
  8. Template used by "supreme comrade" Forte to indicate his "leadership" over the site.
  9. ProleWiki adminstrators voicing their discontent on the talk page of the article on China
  10. WE FULLY SUPPORT CHINA's SCIENTIFIC DEVELOPMENT OF SOCIALISM by ProleWiki administrator Forte (25 November 2021) ProleWiki
  11. Topic on Comradeship:Forte ProleWiki
  12. "Jucheguevara has been removed from administrative positions", by ProleWiki administrator Forte (27 September 2022) Lemmygrad
  13. On ProleWiki (13 November 2022)