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Welcome to the Library of Prolewiki, a space for the collection of texts, articles and books relating to socialism. Previously, this was only for Marxist-Leninist works. But because It is important to understand the history of socialism, works that are non-Marxist or adversarial to socialism are now included. Dates for each work below are provided, and each section is separated by authors.
You can find the works of all Marxist-Leninist authors here.
ProleWiki Selected Works
- The three sources and three component parts of Marxism (Lenin's brief outline of Marxist philosophy.)
- Manifesto of the communist party (Marx and Engels' analysis of class struggle and an outline communist principles.)
- The principles of communism (Engels' series of questions and answers on the Marxist doctrine.)
- On authority (Engels' response on the rejection of authority under a socialist state.)
- The state and revolution (Lenin's work on the state, its role in society and the necessity of a revolutionary movement.)
Main works
Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels
[Marx category page] [Engels category page]
Author | Work | Year |
Marx | Critique of Hegel's philosophy of right | 1843 |
Marx | Economic and philosophic manuscripts of 1844 | 1844 |
Marx & Engels | The holy family | 1845 |
Marx | Theses on Feuerbach | 1845 |
Marx & Engels | The German ideology | 1846 |
Marx | The poverty of philosophy | 1847 |
Engels | The principles of communism | 1847 |
Marx & Engels | Manifesto of the communist party | 1848 |
Marx | The 18th Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte | 1852 |
Marx | A contribution to the critique of political economy | 1859 |
Marx | Value, price and profit | 1865 |
Marx | Address of the International Working Men's Association to Abraham Lincoln | 1865 |
Marx | Capital, vol I | 1867 |
Marx | The civil war in France | 1871 |
Engels | On authority | 1872 |
Marx | Critique of the Gotha Program | 1875 |
Engels | Anti-Dühring | 1878 |
Engels | Socialism: utopian and scientific | 1880 |
Engels | The origin of the family, private property and the state | 1884 |
Engels | Ludwig Feuerbach and the end of classical German philosophy | 1886 |
Marx & Engels | Marx & Engels letters | 1843–1895 |
Vladimir Lenin
Work | Date |
Concerning the state budget | January 15th, 1902 |
What is to be done? | February, 1902 |
Two tactics of social-democracy in the democratic revolution | July, 1905 |
Materialism and empiriocriticism | February, 1908 |
The three sources and three component parts of Marxism | 1913 |
Backward Europe and advanced Asia | 1913 |
Marxism and Reformism | September, 1913 |
The defeat of one's own government in the imperialist war | 1915 |
Imperialism, the highest stage of capitalism | June 1916 |
The state and revolution | August, 1917 |
A letter to American workingmen | August 20th, 1918 |
The proletarian revolution and the renegade Kautsky | November, 1918 |
“Left-wing” communism, an infantile disorder | May, 1920 |
Joseph Stalin
- Anarchism or socialism? (January, 1907)
- Marxism and the national question (March-May, 1913)
- The foundations of Leninism (April, 1924)
- Trotskyism or Leninism? (November 19th, 1924)
- The International Character of the October Revolution (November 7th, 1927)
- Dialectical and historical materialism (September, 1938)
- History of the communist party of the Soviet Union (October 1st, 1939)
- Marxism and problems of linguistics (June 2nd, 1950)
- Economic problems of socialism in the USSR (September, 1952)
Mao Zedong
- Analysis of the classes in Chinese society (March, 1926)
- Oppose book worship (May, 1930)
- On guerrilla warfare (1937)
- Win the masses in their millions for the anti-Japanese national united front (May 7th, 1937)
- On practice (July, 1937)
- On contradiction (August, 1937)
- Combat liberalism (September 7th, 1937)
- On Khrushchov’s Phony Communism and Its Historical Lessons for the World (July 14th, 1964)
Ho Chi Minh
- On revolutionary morality (1958)
Kim Il-sung
- For the establishment of a united party of the working masses (1946)
- On eliminating dogmatism and formalism and establishing Juche in ideological work (1955)
- Let us further strengthen the people’s government (1977)
- Enhancing the role of the masses of the people is the guarantee for victory in the cause of independence (1992)
Clara Zetkin
Complementary works
Louis Althusser
Deng Xiaoping
- The Principles, Tasks and Orientation for Cultural Work in the 129th Division (June 16th, 1941)
- A General Account of the Struggle Against the Enemy Over the Past Five Years (January 26th, 1943)
- Report Delivered At a Conference on the Press in Southwest China (May 16th, 1950)
- Emancipate the mind, seek truth from facts and unite as one in looking to the future (December 13th, 1978)
- To Build Socialism We Must First Develop the Productive Forces (May 5th, 1980)
- Building a Socialism With a Specifically Chinese Character (June 30th, 1984)
Grover Furr
Kim Jong-un
- Report to the 7th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea on the work of the Central Committee
- Fundamentals of Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism
Enver Hoxha
- The Fist of the Marxist-Leninist Communists Must Also Smash Left Adventurism, the Offspring of Modern Revisionism (1968)
- The Demagogy of the Soviet Revisionists Cannot Conceal their Traitorous Countenance (1969)
- Theory and Practice of the Revolution (1977)
- Imperialism and the Revolution (1979)
- Eurocommunism is Anti-Communism (1980)
- With Stalin: Memoirs (1981)
Martin Luther King Jr.
Domenico Losurdo
Rosa Luxemburg
Carlos Marighella
Martin Nicolaus
Michael Parenti
- Blackshirts and Reds (Incomplete)
- Global Rollback After Communism
Georges Politzer
Xi Jinping
- The governance of China
- Properly understand the major theoretical and practical issues in china's development (December 8th, 2021)
Xu Hongzhi
Capital: the manga
Non-socialist works
Aimé Césaire
- Discourse on colonialism (Incomplete)
Department of Strategic Services (Provisional)
Thomas Paine
- Common sense (1776)
FOX News
Michael Parenti
- "There Are No Poor Countries"
- US Interventionism, the Third World, and the USSR (the famous 'Yellow Parenti' video)
Yanis Varoufakis
Soviet Union
- Constitution of the Party of Labour of Albania
- Constitution of the People's Socialist Republic of Albania (1976)
- The constitution of the Communist Party of China
- The Ten Declarations of the Maoist Communist Party of China
- Chinese and Russian Joint Statement on the New Era
United States
- Constitution of the Communist Party USA
- Program of the Party for Socialism and Liberation
- Founding statement of the United Workers' Party (Organizing Committee)
- Elections Won’t Defeat Fascism, Only We Can
Study guides
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