Communists of Russia

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Communists of Russia

Коммунисты России
Founded22 April 2012

Communists of Russia (Коммунисты России) is an anti-revisionist communist party in the Russian Federation that was founded in 2012 and is led by Maxim Suraykin.[1]

Program[edit | edit source]

The party advocates for nationalization of land, natural resources, banking, and important industries. It wants to transfer all power to the workers and Soviets and adopt a socialist constitution for Russia. The party wants to create affordable health care, education, and housing and end unemployment.[2]

Election results[edit | edit source]

Presidential[edit | edit source]

Suraykin ran for president in 2018 and received 499,342 votes.

Legislative[edit | edit source]

Suraykin also ran in the legislative elections in 2016 and 2021, receiving over a million votes in 2016.

Regional[edit | edit source]

Communists of Russia won two seats in the Supreme Council of Khakassia in 2018, along with eight seats for the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.[3]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. "«Коммунисты России» решили создать новую партию" (2012-4-22). BaltInfo. Retrieved 2021-12-29.
  2. "Программа Партии". Communists of Russia. Retrieved 2022-07-31.
  3. "Осколки до Енисея" (2018-9-10). Kommersant.