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Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist)

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Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist)

ChairpersonElla Rule
Founded3 July, 2004
Youth wingRed Youth
Political orientationMarxism–Leninism

Anti-revisionism (de-jure)

Right-Opportunism (de-facto)
YouTube channel

The Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist–Leninist) (CPGB-ML) is a Marxist-Leninist political party based in the United Kingdom, specifically England, Scotland and Wales. It was founded in July 2004 by former members of the Socialist Labour Party who were expelled for supporting AES states,[1] as well as some members of the original Communist Party of Great Britain.[2][3] Today the party is the largest and most prominent Marxist-Leninist party in the United Kingdom, mostly due to its extensive online and media outreach and the prolific activities of its founder and former chairman, Harpal Brar; he has founded and run a number of pro-communist organisations, including the Indian Workers' Association and the Stalin Society.

The party runs two bi-monthly newspapers: Proletarian, which mainly considers current affairs, and Lalkar, which consists of more long-form theoretical content. The party also runs the YouTube channel Proletarian TV from which it uploads its conferences, speeches from its members, pro-communist documentaries it does not own, and other similar material. To support its written content, Proletarian articles are given voiceovers on Proletarian Radio. The Party supports China, and Harpal Brar, a Party founder, co-founded the Hands Off China campaign and published a book on China: Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: Marketisation of the Chinese economy.[4]

History[edit | edit source]

Formation of the party[edit | edit source]

CPGB-ML May Day procession, 2013

The CPGB-ML was formed in 2004, believing itself to be the "natural progression of the CPGB of the 1920s and 30s" (for they believe that the decline of that original party began with the publication of The British Road to Socialism in 1951).[5] The party acknowledges that "there are already several parties in Britain who refer to themselves as communist", but believed that the existing parties (which were all formed slightly before the dissolution of the Soviet Union) were revisionist.

On the one hand, the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) established itself as continuing the CPGB's original British Road to Socialism (now confusingly called Britain’s Road to Socialism), which had in the CPGB-ML's view "allowed the euro-communists to take control in the first place. In fact the euro-communists were only a group of revisionists within what was then a revisionist party that took revisionism to its logical conclusion, ie, liquidation." On the other hand, the New Communist Party (NCP)'s "decision never to stand in elections and their total support for the Labour Party in elections set them only a wafer’s width apart from the revisionists that they had left".[1]

It claims that each party "fawn all over it [the Labour Party] in Lenin’s name", referring to Lenin's Library:"Left-wing" communism, an infantile disorder. The CPGB-ML hold that Lenin's advice here (for communists to canvass on the basis of supporting the Labour Party, but making clear that an impending Labour government would not truly represent the working class) was based on the material conditions of Britain at that time, and is not applicable to the present day.

Relations with other parties[edit | edit source]

International standing[edit | edit source]

Joti Brar attends CPC and World Political Parties Summit, 2021

The CPGB-ML has a history of relationships with political (some communist) parties and the embassies of AES states, having met delegations from China,[6][7][8] Cuba,[9] Venezuela,[10] North Korea,[11][12] Laos,[13] Vietnam,[14] Nepal,[15] Nicaragua,[16] Turkey,[17] Sri Lanka[18] and South Korea.[19] Most of these meetings occurred at CPGB-ML events, with some exceptions. Amongst other international appearances, representatives of the party have attended the World Socialist Forum (Beijing, 2016).[20] In terms of television appearances, representatives of the party have spoken on TeleSUR,[21] Press TV,[22] Al-Mayadeen,[23] RT[24][25], CGTN,[26] and the BBC.[27]

Covid and International meeting with Chinese, Cuban, Venezuelan, and Nicaraguan delegates in attendance, 2021

At its ninth (and most recent) congress, the party held a public meeting regarding "Covid and Internationalism". The panel of speakers was made up of ambassadors from socialist countries: China, Cuba, Venezuela, and Nicaragua.[28] This is despite the fact that, at this point in time, Nicaragua maintained official diplomatic relations with the Republic of China rather than the PRC.[29][30] At this event, the Chinese ambassador formally presented a congratulatory letter to party for its holding of the congress.

The CPGB-ML has attempted to be included in the annual International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties (IMCWP). In 2008, the Communist Party of Greece—acting on behalf of the IMCWP—asked the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) to produce a report on the eligibility of the CPGB-ML for membership of the IMCWP (since 2008, the CPB and the NCP are the only British parties on the members list.)[31] The 3-page report denounced the CPGB-ML as a party which "lacks the essential requirements of a Marxist Leninist Communist Party" with "no base in the organized working class". The CPGB-ML subsequently produced a 15-page response to the "lies and slanders of the CPB". The original report seems to be unavailable online, although alongside its response, the CPGB-ML reproduced it here.[32]

Workers Party of Britain[edit | edit source]

Joti Brar, Vice Chair of the CPGB-ML, is also the Deputy Leader of the Workers Party of Britain (WPB). Since 2019, much of the CPGB-ML's practical work has been within the WPB. CPGB-ML members are required to also be members of the WPB, making the point that "sitting smugly on the sidelines will not help us to bring this essential understanding [Marxist analysis of social democracy] to our fellow workers".[33] Its leader, George Galloway, has a history with the CPGB-ML, despite never having been a member himself.

George Galloway attends a Hands off China event, 2009

The CPGB-ML's first official views of Galloway were negative, describing him as "a man who had to be thrown out of the imperialist Labour Party kicking and screaming".[1] However, since 2009, Galloway has participated in several meetings held by the CPGB-ML,[34][7] and prominent member of the party Ranjeet Brar (an NHS surgeon) routinely appeared on Galloway's popular Mother Of All Talkshows as the "MOATS medic" throughout the pandemic.[35][36] Other prominent members have appeared on other shows hosted by Galloway.[24][37][38]

One reason Galloway may have grown closer to the party over time—and the party to him—is that he found he held common ground with the party's line on several issues. Crucially, his anti-EU stance coming up to the Brexit referendum, and the defence of the results of that referendum.[39] In addition, both Galloway and the CPGB-ML hold positive views of Venezuela, in particular Hugo Chavez—whom Galloway considers a close friend and had been on the campaign trail with.[40]

Center for Political Innovation[edit | edit source]

Joti Brar, Vice Chair, has historically associated with and aligned with the Center for Political Innovation, a United States-based organisation, with a cult-of personality surrounding their leader Caleb Maupin.[41] Brar, in a talks with Caleb Maupin has gone as far as to say, in answer to a question about what Maupin calls the "transgenderism issue" that she opposes "the ideology that's being pushed on people that says you are what you think", claiming that it is "total idealism".[42] She here completely ignores the irony of slandering trans existence as idealist when she is in the process of practising non-materialism by omitting and disregarding the vast bodies of research and dialectical material study upholding trans existence (see LGBT+) and the constructed nature of so-called "biological gender" what Brar accepts as reality without question - a total contradiction of the principle of "No Investigation, No Right to Speak" which Comrade Mao Zedong outlined in his 1930 Essay, Oppose Book Worship.

She also, supported by Maupin, says of trans women's expression that "we'll be happy to see it disappear into history".[42]

Structure[edit | edit source]

The CPGB-ML is organized under the principles of democratic centralism. The Party Congress is the supreme authority of the party and meets at least once every four years. Most party resolutions only require a 50% vote to pass, but changes to the party rules or programme require 75%. If the party has 500 full members or less, all members may attend the party congress. If it has between 501 and 5,000 members, the congress has one representative for every ten members. If it has over 5,000 members, there is one representative for every 25 members. The Party Congress elects a Central Committee consisting of a Chair, two Vice-Chairs, and at least 15 other members.[43]

Local organizations[edit | edit source]

The lowest level of party organization is the study group, which meets weekly. The Central Committee may establish Regional or City Committees for areas with multiple study groups.[43]

Domestic positions[edit | edit source]

The party defends the television network RT because of the role it plays in counter-propaganda against mainstream media, using the specific example of its coverage of the Syrian civil war.[44]

Criticism[edit | edit source]

Dismissal of LGBT rights as "LGBT ideology"[edit | edit source]

In its 8th Congress of 2018, the CPGB-ML put forward a motion claiming that "obsession with identity politics, including sexual politics, is anti-Marxian",[45] in opposition to what they call "LGBT ideology".[46] CPGB-ML justifies this view on the argument that the LGBT struggle is opposed to class politics, as the number of transgender people is "statistically so small as to be insignificant",[47] and that transgender activists want to encourage children to be trans,[46] a common reactionary stance promoted by chauvinists and fascists.

The central committee of the party is openly anti-trans due to its position that gender and biological sex are synonymous and "common sense",[46][48] a position against historical-materialist understanding of gender.[49] A 70-page pamphlet written by Ranjeet Brar, Edward Renyard, and Joti Brar titled Identity politics and the transgender trend: where is LGBT ideology taking us? confuses the LGBT struggle with the liberal appropriation of that struggle.[48] The pamphlet claims that "it is not gender that alienates men from women, it is our social relations", completely oblivious to the fact that gender is a historical social construct, and that the existence of trans people even precedes the use of the term.[50] Overall, this approach is a form of right-opportunism that has repackaged bourgeois political lines as being of a Marxist character, fundamentally distorting the party line away from a materially-based analysis of gender.

Opposition to self-determination for Scotland and Wales[edit | edit source]

The party opposes the right of the Scottish and Welsh people to self-determination, preferring them to remain under English sovereignty despite the movements for independence in both constituent countries. The party refers to these movements as "petty nationalist fantasies" and pushes for Britain to remain united, equating the peoples in all of Britain as the same people and neglects to mention atrocities committed against the Scottish and Welsh by the English since this "union".[51]

Published works[edit | edit source]

Listed in order of appearance on the party's website.[52]

Party pamphlets[edit | edit source]

  • Party Programme and Rules
  • The Rise and Fall of Project Corbyn
  • Identity Politics and the Transgender Trend
  • Zionism: A Racist, Antisemitic and Reactionary Tool of Imperialism
  • Claudia Jones, Communist
  • A Class Analysis of Britain at the Start of the 21st Century
  • The Drive to War Against Russia and China
  • The Soviet Victory Over Fascism
  • World War One: An Interimperialist War
  • Revisionism and the Demise of the USSR
  • Capitalism and Immigration
  • The 1926 General Strike
  • NATO’s Predatory War Against Yugoslavia
  • 60th Anniversary of the Victory Over Fascism

Harpal Brar books[edit | edit source]

Main article: Harpal Brar

  • Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: Marketisation of the Chinese economy
  • Inquilab Zindabad! India’s Liberation Struggle
  • Imperialism and the Worst-Ever Crisis of Overproduction
  • Imperialism and War
  • Imperialism: The Eve of the Social Revolution of the Proletariat
  • Chimurenga! The Liberation Struggle in Zimbabwe
  • Imperialism in the Middle East
  • Marxism and the Emancipation of Women
  • Bourgeois Nationalism or Proletarian Internationalism?
  • Imperialism: decadent, parasitic, moribund capitalism
  • Social Democracy – the Enemy Within
  • Trotskyism or Leninism?
  • Perestroika: the Complete Collapse of Revisionism

Stalin Society pamphlets[edit | edit source]

Main article: Stalin Society

  • Stalin Society Magazine | issue 01
  • Lies about the Soviet Union
  • The Soviet Union at War
  • Life in the Soviet Union

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Jump up to: 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Formation of the CPGB-ML" (2004-08). Proletarian.
  2. "Jack Shapiro lives forever in our hearts!" (2009-12-01). Proletarian.
  3. "Remembering departed comrades" (2008-12-01). Proletarian.
  4. Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: Marketisation of the Chinese economy by Harpal Brar
  5. "A critique of “Britain’s Road to Socialism” in the 21st century – The Programme of the Communist Party of Britain (CPB): PART ONE" (2021-04). Lalkar.
  6. "Spirited rally launches Hands off China campaign" (2008-08). Proletarian.
  7. Jump up to: 7.0 7.1 "The Chinese revolution: ‘One of the greatest moments in human history’" (2019-10-02). Proletarian.
  8. "CPGB-ML greets China’s communists on anniversary" (2009-10). Proletarian.
  9. "Cuba and the October Revolution" (2018-10-05). Proletarian TV.
  10. Proletarian TV (2016-12-14). "Venezuela - The Struggle continues!" YouTube.
  11. Matt Drake (2018-02-04). "EXCLUSIVE: Hard-line UK communists openly SUPPORT Kim Jong-un and DENY atrocities" Express. Retrieved 2022-04-22.
  12. "October 100: DPR Korea pays tribute" (2018-08-27). Proletarian TV.
  13. "Laos independence and the October Revolution" (2018-10-05). Proletarian TV.
  14. Harpal Brar (2008-10-01). "CPGB-ML meets Vietnamese Party delegation" Proletarian.
  15. “Comrade Ganesh Vikaria from the embassy of Nepal extended his greetings to the meeting”

    "October Revolution: beacon lighting the way forward for all humanity" (2009-12). Proletarian.
  16. Nicaragua Embassy (2021-10-28). "Nicaraguan ambassador: ‘In our country, democracy is in the hands of the people’" Proletarian.
  17. “Speaking next, a comrade from the Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Turkey and Northern Kurdistan (MLKP) said that the October Revolution continues to guide the struggles of the working class and oppressed nations throughout the world.”

    "October Revolution: beacon lighting the way forward for all humanity" (2009-12). Proletarian.
  18. Proletarian TV (2017-06-19). "CPGB-ML Mayday message: in Sri Lanka with the JVP" YouTube.
  19. Proletarian TV (2018-10-19). "Red Youth in South Korea - Protest at US Army Base Daegu"
  20. Proletarian TV (2019-06-17). "The Fall of the USSR - Market Socialism" YouTube.
  21. Proletarian TV (2019-09-01). "Vice-Chair of the CPGB-ML speaks to telesurenglish in Bolivar Square" YouTube.
  22. Proletarian TV (2022-04-07). "Ranjeet on ‘partygate’ scandal as Met Police issue fines over Downing Street lockdown parties" YouTube.
  23. Proletarian TV (2022-04-01). "Ella Rule appearing on Kalima Horra to discuss Ukraine" Proletarian.
  24. Jump up to: 24.0 24.1 Proletarian TV (2015-10-25). "Xi Jinping in London - Keith Bennet talks to George Galloway on RT's Sputnik" YouTube.
  25. Peter Lavelle (2021-12-31). "CrossTalk: Crystal Ball 2022" RT.
  26. Proletarian TV (2021-07-18). "Joti Brar interview with CGTN on the Centenary of the CPC" YouTube.
  27. "CPGB-ML’s Harpal Brar discusses DPRK on BBC’s primetime The One Show" (2018-06-12). Proletarian TV.
  28. “The international section of the congress was supplemented by an inspiring meeting on Saturday night on the topic of ‘Covid and Internationalism’. Guests from four fraternal embassies addressed our audience on this topic: Ambassador Rocio del Valle Maneiro González of Bolivarian Venezuela, Ambassador Guisell Morales-Echaverry of Sandinistan Nicaragua, Counsellor Kong Xiangwen of the People’s Republic of China, and Secretary Aymée Alejandra Diaz Negrín of socialist Cuba.”

    "Ninth party congress: We must connect our movement with the masses" (2021-11-11). Proletarian.
  29. Helen Davidson (2021-10-10). "Nicaragua cuts ties with Taiwan and pivots to China" The Guardian.
  30. "China, Nicaragua resume diplomatic relations, sign joint communique" (2021-12-10). CGTN.
  32. "CPGB-ML’s reply to the lies and slanders of the CPB". Archived from the original.
  33. "WPB storms Batley: ‘We intend to replace Labour as party of working class’" (2021-08-10). Proletarian.
  34. Proletarian TV (2009-10-05). "George Galloway - Hands off China 1/3" YouTube.
  35. George Galloway (2022-03-03). "#CORONAVIRUS EXPERT: Want to know how serious this outbreak really is?" YouTube.
  36. "Comrade Ranjeet on Moats: NHS marketisation and the covid death toll" (2021-02-05). Proletarian TV.
  37. Proletarian TV (2019-08-16). "Hong Kong: Who is behind the protests?" YouTube.
  38. Proletarian TV (2022-01-28). "Nina Kosta vice chair of the Communist Party discusses U.S. aggression towards China" YouTube.
  40. Channel 4 News (2013-03-06). "George Galloway on his friend Hugo Chavez" YouTube.
  41. Center for Political Innovation (2023-04-19). "Time to join the Center for Political Innovation!". YouTube.
  42. Jump up to: 42.0 42.1 Caleb Maupin (2019-10-10). "Top British Communist Joti Brar talks with Caleb Maupin". YouTube.
  43. Jump up to: 43.0 43.1 Communist Party of Great Britain (Marxist-Leninist) (2018). Party Programme and Rules: 'Party rules' (pp. 23–31). [PDF] Birmingham. ISBN 9781913286026
  44. Gavin Haynes (2016-10-19). "I Went to a Stalinist Free-Speech Protest to Defend Russia Today from Natwest" Vice. Archived from the original on 2020-11-08. Retrieved 2022-04-22.
  45. "Identity politics are anti-Marxian and a harmful diversion from the class struggle" (2018-12-07). Proletarian. Retrieved 2021-11-08.
  46. Jump up to: 46.0 46.1 46.2 "Why gay rights is not a class issue" (2019-04-20). Proletarian. Retrieved 2021-11-08.
  47. "The reactionary nightmare of ‘gender fluidity’" (2019-03-23). The Communists (CPGB-ML). Retrieved 2021-11-08.
  48. Jump up to: 48.0 48.1 Various authors (2019). Identity Politics and the Transgender Trend: Where is LGBT Ideology Taking Us?. [PDF] ISBN 978-1-913286-00-2
  49. "The historical-materialist theory of gender" (2019-04-24). Red Fightback. Archived from the original on 2022-05-28. Retrieved 2024-04-15.
  50. Diederik F. Janssen (2020). Transgenderism before gender: nosology from the sixteenth through mid‑twentieth century. doi: 10.1007/s10508-020-01715-w [HUB]
  51. Proletarian writers (2023-04-26). "Eulogies for Sturgeon highlight the fraud of Scottish nationalism" Proletarian.